The most efficient way to utilize photovoltaic energy is to consume as much of the generated power as possible directly within the household. However, most households see peak energy use in the morning and evening, while solar production typically peaks midday, naturally resulting in surplus energy sent to the grid. A solution for storing generated energy for later use is a physical battery, though it can be costly and has a long return on investment. A practical approach is to use daytime energy production for heating domestic hot water.
AC Input: 230VAC, max. 16A
AC Output: 0 – 250VAC 50Hz
Only suitable for resistive load!
User Interface: 2.5” OLED display, touch buttons
Communication Interfaces: RS485, WiFi – Connection to ANTIK Smart Home
Dimensions and Weight: 160x160x80mm, 2kg
Installation Method: Wall-mounted using the included bracket
Operating Temperature: -20 to +60°C
Enclosure Rating: IP40